Lean manufacturing to improve the process quality at a minimum cost.

Lean manufacturing to improve the process quality at a minimum cost.

Lean manufacturing is the production control technique for eliminating waste from your manufacturing. We would like not only to introduce you to the many production control techniques that have been created in Japan such as the Toyota Production System, Production Scheduling, JIT, KANBAN and 5S etc

Understanding lean manufacturing principles are absolutely essential to attaining a quality improvement process at minimum cost.

(A) Lean manufacturing principles

  1. Lean manufacturing principles: Introduction
  2. Lean ideology- the idea of Lean in terms of value creation.
  3. Waste (MUDA)
  4. Major types of non-value adding waste in business
  5. Seven kinds of Waste (MUDA)
  6. Four approaches to waste elimination in an organization
  7. The focus of Lean management principles – five focus of Lean management
  8. Six objectives of Lean management
  9. Lean management tools :
    • Histogram
    • Quality control card
    • Pareto diagram
    • Correlation diagram
    • Brainstorming techniques
    • Ishikawa diagram (fishbone analysis)

Lean management tools: explanation

  1. Histogram
  • Introduction of Histogram
  • Importance of Histogram, the usefulness of histogram
  • Graphical representation of histogram and its explanation.
  1. Pareto diagram
  • Introduction of Pareto diagram
  • Importance of Pareto chart
  • The usefulness of Pareto chart
  • Graphical representation of Pareto charts and its explanation
  1. Scatter diagram
  • Introduction of Scatter diagram
  • Importance of Scatter diagram
  • The usefulness of Scatter diagram
  • Graphical representation of Scatter diagram and its explanation.
  1. Brainstorming techniques
  • Introduction of brainstorming techniques
  • Advantage of brainstorming techniques
  • Brainstorming techniques process
  • Types of brainstorming techniques
  • How to carry out brainstorming study
  1. Cause and effect diagram
  • Introduction of cause and effect diagram
  • Importance of cause and effect diagram
  • The usefulness of cause and effect diagram
  • Graphical representation of cause and effect diagram and its explanation

10. General Lean Management tools

  • List of general lean management tools we can come across in practice.

11. Lean methods: identity and explanation

  • Lean management and Kaizen
  • Lean management and Total productive maintenance TPM
  • Lean management and the Pull principles
  • Lean management and Visual management
  • Lean management and Poka-yoke

12. Lean Development in the organization

13. Some practical Lean foundation tools:

  • Kaizen, PDCA, JIDOKA, Poka-Yoke standardized work, Kanban, Genchi Genbutsu
  • 5S principles
  • Operating equipment effectiveness (OEE) measurement and development.

14. Development of Machine Efficiency in Lean management:

  • Total productive maintenance TPM
  • Single minutes exchange of dies-SMED principle
  • Operating equipment effectiveness (OEE) measurement and development

15. Material Flow Development and Design Manufacturing Cells:

  • Just-In-Time (JIT) principles (i.e. Pull system and talk-time explanation)
  • Cell-based production
  • Push system
  • Pull system

(B) 5 Why Analysis

  • Meaning of 5 Why Analysis
  • Cause investigation steps using 5 Why analysis
  • 5 Why analysis practical problem-solving methodology in details.

(C) Check sheet: Tools for generating information

  • Meaning of check sheet, what is it?
  • When to use a check sheet
  • How to use a check sheet
  • Graphical representation of check sheet.

(D) Flow charts: Tools for organizing information

  • Meaning of flow chart
  • When to use the flow chart
  • How to use the flow chart
  • Graphical representation of flow chart

(E) Kaizen principles

  • Meaning of Kaizen principles
  • Attributes of Kaizen principles
  • Kaizen objectives
  • Kaizen benefits
  • Application of Kaizen implementation in the organization.
  • Approaches for Kaizen implementation in the organization.
    1. 5S principles
    2. 8D methodology
    3. Value stream mapping (VSM)
    4. PDCA cycle


  1. 5S principles: the meaning of 5S principles, 5S acronym i.e. sort, set, shine, standardize.
  2. 8D methodology: the meaning of 8D methodology, forming of a cross-functional team in 8D methodology, Summary of the 8D process.
  3. Value stream mapping: the meaning of VSM, Usefulness of VSM, Basic steps in VSM, Graphical representation of VSM.
  4. PDCA Cycle: the meaning of PDCA cycle, when to use the PDCA cycle, PDCA cycle-Graphical representation, PDCA cycle-explanation.

(F) Poka-Yoke (Mistake proofing)

  • Meaning of Poka-Yoke
  • Example of Poka-Yoke
  • Application of Poka-Yoke device
  • Importance of Poka-Yoke device

(G) Statistical Process Control (SPC)

  • Meaning of SPC philosophy, application of SPC principles, and its originator.
  • Control Charts – meaning of control chart, focus on variations.
  • How does the control chart help to avoid defects
  • A brief history of Control chart
  • Cause of Variation: Common cause of variation & Special cause of variation
  • Statistical Process Control –SPC- test vales. Graphical representation of the test values.
  • Steps in constructing an Average and Range chart (X-bar and R):
  1. Select the process characteristics
  2. Establish the sampling plan and rational subgroup size
  3. Gather data/Enter into Minitab software
  4. Establish the overall mean and control limits
  • Control Limits calculation for each type of control chart.

Clients benefits: The training module will secure the clients to have the following benefits:

  • Greater productivity
  • Smoother operations
  • Greater flexibility and responsiveness
  • Eliminates defects
  • Improve product quality
  • Reduced lead time
  • Increased customer satisfaction
  • Improve staff morale
  • Safer working environment
  • Boost your bottom line

Who are the Benefactors of these training modules or the target groups:

  • Plant Managers
  • Quality Managers
  • Quality Engineers
  • Production leaders
  • Production engineers
  • Quality Supervisors
  • Quality Specialist
  • Logistics
  • Technology
  • Production
  • Warehouse
  • and other categories who are interested in leaning: lean managements principles, tools for problem-solving methodology, tools for generating information & organizing information, Statistical process analysis SPC, continuous improvement KAIZEN etc

The training modules acquire from Hermon Quality Solutions HQS services will help you to get your career professionals smoothly and efficiently. Why not give it a try and see the difference.

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