What are the necessary process steps to follow in Total Quality Management applications?


Organization are in a position to carry out some steps in form of a test as to how TQM will work out in their system, the aim of this written article is to show some necessary steps as to how this will be conducted, but before going into that vividly, let us consider what TQM process is really is.
By definition: The TQM process is a universal management process for conducting operation so as to provide stability, prevent change and to maintain the status quo.

What are the necessary process steps to follow in TQM applications?

1. Choose Control Subject: Control subject consist mainly of product and process characteristics set out in specification and producer manual.

2. Establishment measurement: After we have selected the control subject, what follows is the establishment measurement, which is done by the actual performance of goods and services. The measurement standard can be specified through defining frequency of measurement, the way the data will be recorded, the format for recording such data and person that will be held responsible for the making of such measurements.

3. Establish a standard of performance: For each control subject chosen, it is necessary to stabilize and establish a standard of performance i.e. the performance of good quality, target and objectives have to be evaluated. The primary goals for product reliability and durability.

4. Measure actual performance: One of the most critical steps in TQM is to measure the actual performance of a product or the process. measurement tools using a thermometer, clocks, yard and weight scale, other include data system and computer e.t.c

5. Interpret actual and standard performances: Comparing the actual performance of the product versus standard performance to determine if the product conforms to the quality goals.

6. Take corrective action: In a well functioning TQM system, actuation is needed to stimulate actions and to restore conformances. It could be an official computer or a calibrated knob for adjusting a machine tool, or even a memorandum to subordinates.

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